
Teanagairn Henge


The henge is located at 595578 and on the Ordnance Survey maps is identified as an Earthwork. However, on the OS 25" 1892 - 1949 1st edition it is identified as a Fort. It is on land owned by the Hannan family, Dunvournie.

The first 5 photographs in the Gallery below should help to locate the entrance from the B9169 which we consider to be the easiest point of access for the local Community. The preferred parking is on the gravel verge in front of the house shown in photograph 4.

Photograph 1 is slightly out of date! The label "totally overgrown" path is not as daunting as it seems when first approaching it from the garden ground of the Cottage. It is not suitable for wheelchairs and care should be taken re. tree roots etc. as can be seen in photographs 7 and 8. There is now a new gate (see photos for September 2018) in position located at the "D" of "Double line of fence."

The History Group soon realised after its formation that few of us had visited the site and in June 2016 an exploratory visit was made to establish from which direction we would encourage visitors. Parking was available with a lay-by on the A9 close to the entrance to Teanagairn Farm or on the roadside of the B9169 close to Teanagairn Cottage. The latter was decided on as being the most convenient and improvements initiated with the approval of the land-owners. However it is now felt that the A9 layby offers good access.

The Highland Historic Environment Record database has this record for the henge.

Photographic tours

November 2006 - open. A series of photographs donated to us by Margaret Currie and Andy Scott as a comparison with our first efforts at clearing the site in May 2017.

June 2016 - open. The Group's first visit.

February 2017 - open. A survey visit to assess what vegetation had survived the winter.

May 2017 This link will to take you to a gallery of photos taken during the clearance of vegetation.

September 2017 This link will take you to a gallery of photos taken during the clearance of the vegetation.

April/June 2018 This link will take you to a series of photographs showing the amount of re-growth that has occurred since September. 

July 2018 This link will take you to photographs taken during the clearance of vegetation.

August 2018 This link will take you to photographs showing the first stage of the 2018 clearance.

September 2018 This link will take you to photographs showing the initial stages of creating a gateway onto the henge.

October 2018 This link will take you to photographs of the HAF Open Day.

November 2018 The two photographs in this Gallery show the benefit of taking advantage of perfect lighting conditions to show the features to best advantage.

April 2019 This link provides photographs of a visit.

February/March 2023 This link shows the clearing session organised by Andrew Newton, co-ordinated with NOSAS, Ferintosh Volunteers and the YAC, Inverness Group. Contains drone photography and imagery provided by Andy Hickie. (Andy's Aerial Archaeology & Photogrammerty Facebook site.

May 2023 This link shows the state of the vegetation. Plenty of Rosebay Willow Herb showing. The path in from the B9163 is very overgrown and quite hazardous to negotiate.

January / February 2024. This link shows the state of vegetation as at the survey in January with a quick view of the improvement. A party was assembled to tidy up the site prior to the growing season. Plans are in hand for the re-instatement of the fence and improvements to the access gate.

October 2024. This link shows the condition of the henge when Andrew Newton carried out his inspection, contains his report.

February/March 2025. This link shows the condition of the henge when Andrew Newton carried out his inspection whilst planning a reduction in the cover of gorse and the subsequent improvement.

Access is from the old raised roadway/trackway
Access is from the old raised roadway/trackway
Looking east along B9169 towards Teanagairn Cottage with entrance on the left.
Looking east along B9169 towards Teanagairn Cottage with entrance on the left.
Do not park here - photograph helps to locate gateway from B9169
Do not park here - photograph helps to locate gateway from B9169
Looking south-west along the B9169 Parking is allowed on the gravel in front of the house on the left.
Looking south-west along the B9169 Parking is allowed on the gravel in front of the house on the left.
This 'gateway' has now been removed. Feb 2019
This 'gateway' has now been removed. Feb 2019
View towards the B9169. There is now fence separating the garden ground from the right of way.
View towards the B9169. There is now fence separating the garden ground from the right of way.
Be aware of tree roots.
Be aware of tree roots.
View looking west. (Jim Bone)
View looking west. (Jim Bone)
View looking north.
View looking north.
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