
History recent additions

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If you’d like to help or have any information on these or any of our topics please contact history@culbokiect.org .

January report

History report for CCT December 2024

It's not like the old days.

The story associated with the snow clearing photographs as contributed to the History Group by Jane Mackenzie daughter of Dondo Mackenzie and subsequently circulated on a Facebook page.

"Looks like the bit between Dunvournie and the village, maybe the 30's, my Grandfather and Mother were coming home from Dingwall and got stuck at Kinkell for days, thankfully a kind hearted family took them in until the road was cleared enough to get back through with the car. My Grandmother and Aunt kept the shop open while Grandpa and Mam were 'stranded'. Wish Mam was still alive, she would tell you all about these photos.” Julie Montgomery

The lady in the front was Dondo Mackenzie's mother.” In conversation with Jane Mackenzie.

I am told that this is taken at Crochar in 1945. The gentleman in the very centre of the photograph who is slightly taller than the shortest man is Alick MacKenzie, uncle of Dondo Mackenzie. He was in charge of the maintenance of the road.” Roger Piercy

Enlargeable versions of these images and a selection of views around the village can be found here. There is plenty of room for more if you would care to share them with the Community.

As always we welcome your material and suggestions for adding to the history of Culbokie. Contact can be made through history@culbokiect.org


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