
History recent additions

We will display new items of interest here whilst also placing them in their permanent location. The Recently changed pages section on the right-hand column of the Home page will show the most recent pages to have been updated.

If you’d like to help or have any information on these or any of our topics please contact history@culbokiect.org .

June 2024 

The "Views of the Village" menu tab has a pull-out menu linking to two pamphlets that can be printed relating to the History site and a 'Guided Walk' through the village. They were intended for printing and display at exhibitions etc. but are readable on-screen with a zoom facility.

July CCT monthly report.

Progress has been made regarding the provision of access to all available Noticeboards for both series 1, 1989 – 2002, and series 2, 2007 – present. A fortunate discovery of a few series 1 Noticeboards has at least meant that we have a flavour of the style of presentation. From a personal point of view they provided evidence of the crosswords that my 90+ year old father compiled whilst we were caring for him. It is worth noting that as Editors we were liable to confuse ourselves as to what issue number we were producing so you might find some “funnies”.

Talking of Editors we discovered that the first 10 issues were the responsibility of Honor, Babs and Julie. I well remember Honor Wayne but can't place Babs and Julie so would like to learn more so that we can give them their due credit.

When accessing the site it is useful to check “Recently changed pages” displayed in the right-hand column.

As always we welcome your material and suggestions for adding to the history of Culbokie. Contact can be made through history@culbokiect.org

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