
History recent additions

We will display new items of interest here whilst also placing them in their permanent location. The Recently changed pages section on the right-hand column of the Home page will show the most recent pages to have been updated.

If you’d like to help or have any information on these or any of our topics please contact history@culbokiect.org .

November 2024 - The Archaeology and Ancient Sites page has been updated with mateial relating to the Kinbeachie Castle.

The recent discovery of a copy of The Noticeboard August 1999 provided us with an insight to the planning exercise "Planning for Real" which the Highland Council uses to determine planning matters. Access to all the information can be found through this link.

October 2024 - This page has been added on the Teanagairn Henge pages. It contains the result of a recent survey.

History report for CCT October 2024

The story of James Dingwall, General Merchant, work place has been added to the “Shops, Trade and Industry” section of the website. This is a compilation of Bethune family photographs made available by Angus Bethune. This “industrial” aspect of the community is the area next to the Church now occupied by Craobh woodworking enterprise.

In support of the Primary School pupils creating a logo for the Findon Hall we have been approached for more information regarding the Millennium Cairn and time capsule at the Findon Hall. Also, it would be helpful to learn more about the background to the tree planted in honour of Frances Fowler, a former Secretary to the Findon Hall committee. Reminiscences and memories can be submitted through history@culbokiect.org.

Old Noticeboards. All of the above would have been easily dealt with if we, in the Ferintosh Community, had had the foresight of using the Highland Archive facilities to store the initial series of the Noticeboard. But, we didn't so we are asking if any of our readers have stored away in the attic copies from 1991 until 2002 that we could digitise and add to the few copies we have.

When accessing the site it is useful to check “Recently changed pages” displayed in the right-hand column. 

As always we welcome your material and suggestions for adding to the history of Culbokie. Contact can be made through history@culbokiect.org


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