
History recent additions

We will display new items of interest here whilst also placing them in their permanent location. The Recently changed pages section on the right-hand column of the Home page will show the most recent pages to have been updated.

If you’d like to help or have any information on these or any of our topics please contact history@culbokiect.org .

September 2024 - The "Tomorrow's History" page has been provided with a link to the monthly newsletters circulated by the CCT. The hope is that this will provide an insight into potential history topics.

History report for CCT September 2024

A quiet month for our History researches. Whilst looking through paperwork in preparation for moving across to fibre phone connection I came across a notification that as of June 1994 the Culbokie phone exchange was going digital.

This meant that instead of our phone numbers being Culbokie NNN they would become 877NNN. There was also a mention of an area code which eventually became 01349.

After the change I continued to answer the phone with “Culbokie NNN” and still do to this day and it is amusing to sense the puzzlement of scammers etc. to be greeted with such a weird response and they usually hang up before me! I currently know of only one other household that answers in the same way - “Culbokie NNN”, are there any others?

When accessing the site it is useful to check “Recently changed pages” displayed in the right-hand column.

As always we welcome your material and suggestions for adding to the history of Culbokie. Contact can be made through history@culbokiect.org

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