

This area in the centre of the village was developed by Tulloch Homes in 2020-2022. They designated the site as The Meadows, Glascairn, but a Community Consultation elected to apply the name Baluachrach – (meaning upper town in Gaelic).

Part of the site was purchased by the Culbokie Community Trust to develop a new community hub which is documented here. Whilst this site is under construction an attempt is being made to capture images on a weekly basis. They will be displayed in monthly batches starting with a few images showing the site before development. The index to the pages will be in the form of a gallery at the foot of the page. Clicking on an image in the gallery at the bottom of this page will access those images.

Archaelogical surveys taken from Canmore:

Date 13 April 2016 Event ID 1024716 Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/1024716

NH 60235 59076 An 8% trial trenching evaluation was undertaken, 13 April 2016, prior to construction of new community facilities in the centre of the village of Culbokie. The area was considered of interest as it lies within 500m of Culbokie Dun. A total of six trenches were opened and two relatively shallow stone and earth filled drains were identified. These attest to the sites use as low intensity agricultural land given over to grazing in modern times.

Archive: HAS. Report: Highland HER Funder: Culbokie Community Trust

Lynne McKeggie – Highland Archaeology Services (Source: DES, Volume 17)

Trial Trench (28 May 2018 - 25 July 2019)

NH 60256 58995 A trial trenching evaluation was undertaken, May 2018, in advance of a residential development. No finds or features of archaeological significance were recorded.

Archive: NRHE Funder: Tulloch Homes Matt Ginnever – Headland Archaeology

(Source: DES Volume 19)

Metal detecting on the site. (16 February 2016)

Images of this event can be viewed here

Selecting an image below will open a Gallery of photos for the indicated period. Photographs from a variety of sources, hopefully acknowledged but mainly from the webmaster and Paul Wadge.

Early days -drone image from the south-west.
Early days -drone image from the south-west.
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