
Summer 2024

The start of the construction of the Toilet Block and Potting Shed. (Click on image to enlarge.)  Some images courtesy of Paul Wadge (PW) and others by the webmaster (RP).

 The height of summer! An atmospheric view of the Green showing the efforts of the "Green Team" and then a few days later!

 Continued as slide show in Gallery below.


July 27th 2024
July 27th 2024
8th August
8th August
Green Team striving to keep site tidy.
Green Team striving to keep site tidy.
Pollinator bed - designed by Black Isle Garden Design and installed by them with considerable help from Green Team volunteers.
Pollinator bed - designed by Black Isle Garden Design and installed by them with considerable help from Green Team volunteers.
The August 2024 CCT Bulletin contains a useful link to details of all the plants and their maintenance. Click on next image to open Bulletin.
The August 2024 CCT Bulletin contains a useful link to details of all the plants and their maintenance. Click on next image to open Bulletin.
Scroll through the bulletin to the link re. the Pollinator Bed.
Scroll through the bulletin to the link re. the Pollinator Bed.
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