
Culbokie Lockdown Quilt 



The story of the creation of the Culbokie Lockdown Quilt can be downloaded from here. Space constraints during the creation of the booklet meant that supporting images of the creation of the quilt had to be left out and therefore this page gives us the opportunity of sharing them.

The backgound to the creation of the quilt is explained in the introduction; "Introduction: It is January 2020 and the CCT fundraising team is preparing for the year’s fundraising events: a Spring Celebration with Silent Auction, a talk by Diana Gabaldon on her novels in the Outlander series and the 2020 Black Isle Photographic Competition. By mid-March, it is evident that plans to raise funds through live events will need to change due to the arrival of the COVID pandemic.  Surely the lockdown will last only a few months.  Rather than the fundraisers pausing until the pandemic is over, they agreed to look for a community activity that will lift spirits and give residents something to focus on while they are being asked to ‘stay at home and save the NHS’.  The result is the Culbokie Lockdown Quilt. The vision was to ask local residents to create a quilt from patches, that reflected some aspect of their experience of lockdown."

The booklet contains images of all 48 individual patches with the creator's story associated with the patch.

Another source of information regarding the creation of the quilt is the Facebook Page  that was created to aid communication between the Community and the organising team. Remember to click on the "Media" tab which will enable you access the individual patches.                             



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