
Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Friendship Group

On Monday 7th November 2022 the Friendship Group hosted a talk presented by Angus Bethune on the subject of "Old Culbokie" using photographs taken by his father, Murdo, supported by other family photos from the past. Coincidently 25 years previously Angus's father had presented the very same topic to the inaugural meeting of the Friendship Group. Those attending were recorded in the 'register' with some very noteworthy residents in the list.

A significant number of his photographs appear in their relevant pages of this History site. 

For many years Murdo was involved in the running of the very successful James Dingwall business in the village whilst, Mary, his wife, ran a Post Office and shop from their house at Glentyan adjacent to the old yard, now a timber business.

Sadly only a few ladies remain.
Sadly only a few ladies remain.
An excellent turnout and if more had known of the wonderful spread available after the talk there would have been more!
An excellent turnout and if more had known of the wonderful spread available after the talk there would have been more!
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