
Teind Roll for Urquhart & Logie Wester 1951

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"Teind" - Scots word for tithe.

"Tithe" - a tenth part of agricultural or other produce, personal income, or profits, contributed either voluntarily or as a tax for the support of the church or clergy or for charitable purposes.

The Teind Roll for 1951 provides us with a register of all the properties in the Parish liable to pay the equivalent of Council Rates. Unfortunately the list is not searchable. A spreadsheet has been created that is searchable.

Teind – during our researches we came across the use of the word “Teind” and this led to discussion as to how widespread was its usage.

The following is an extract from Gleanings – issue 10.

“The parishes of Urquhart and Logie Wester, whose teinds had been linked together as early as 1257, were united some time between 1450 and 1500.”

For an explanation of the background to "Gleanings", click here. Unfortunately it isn't clear in what year this extract was written but it will be early.

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